First off i would like to say that i drink gatorade on a daily basis. I prefer the G2 gatorade because it has less calories and i feel revitalized through out the day. Many do not know what all of the different gatorades are for. They all are made differently to benefit you in a different way. First off is the G2 gatorade: this gatorade's benefits are the less calories. It has 50% less calories than the original gatorade and it has the same amount of electrolytes.
Next is the Gatorade Tiger edition: There is the ingredient called L-Theanine which is an amino acid found in tea that may help focus and mental acuity.
Gatorade Rain: This is just a adding a different flavor to the gatorades. It almost tastes watered down but when you are working hard it can be very refreshing. You get the same electrolyte benefits from this drink as well.
Gatorade X-Factor: This drink is packed with the antioxidant vitamin E. This drink helps optimize hydration and performance while protecting the body with Vitamin E.
Gatorade Fierce: This formula is packed with vitamins B3, B5, and B6 which help the body metabolize energy. This is good to use when you live an active lifestyle.
Gatorade A.M: this is a great drink to take when you wake up. It has a lot of Vitamin C in it which can help your immune system.
gatorade G: This is the regular gatorade. This has been tested to be an optimal hydrator and it has a 6% carbohydrate solution, which was found to be the best for energy delivery into the body.
These are all tasty drinks that can all be beneficial and i would recomend drinking any of these when doing physical activities.