Many people drink soda, even many that have a healthy diet and workout constantly. So why is it bad for us if people are still living healthy lives? Some reasons why it is so bad for you is:
-Dehydration- Soda with sugar and caffeine will make you dehydrated. Caffeine is a diuretic and causes an increase in urine level. Drinking soda will actualy make you more thirsty.
-Addiction to Caffeine- People may get addicted to caffeine and go through withdrawals. Caffeine is a stimulant that is cheap and that is why many people drink it. It has been proven that if people dont get their regular intake of caffeine they may experience headaches, fatigue and difficulty paying attention.
-High Calories- Regular soda is high in calories. A can of coke contains 10 teaspoons of sugar which is also 100% of your daily rcommended value. Regular soda can contain up to 200 calories and can actualy deplete your body of vital minerals.
-Wieght Loss- Diet sodas can actually put a person at higher risk of becoming overwieght. This is because of the artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners can interfere with the body's natural ability to regulate calorie intake.
-Acid- There is alot of acid in sodas. the Ph level of soda is 2.5 whereas water is 7. Since soda is so acidic it can actually wear away the enamel of your teeth.
There are many reasons why people should drop drinking soda. Some other reasons such as lowering your chance of diabetes, saving money, and lowering your chance of mineral depletion. I personally dont drink soda because I feel that these are some good reasons not to. Obviously water is the way to go.